Let me tell you how I came up with the idea for my new kit. I was reading a thread at a digital scrapbook forum. It was an old one. I can't remember how old- one, two, three years old. This lady was begging for someone to make a graduation gift. She wanted a QP book that she could put pictures in for someone special (forgot who it was!) There were lots of posts and in the end no one was able to help her. I could hear the desperation in her voice. I felt so bad for her!
So I decided to make this kit. It's too late for this lady, but maybe some of you could use this.
When making this kit, I chose 9 colors. I wanted the colors of the kit to be versatile enough to use with all sorts of pictures. So I went with the basic colors. And I tried to make it so that you can do pages with just a certain combination of colors OR you could use all the colors together.
Then, after I made this HUGE kit- 62 papers, 160 elements, and 3 alphas- I enlisted 3 guest CT and my whole CT. Together we made 45 QP's!
So, there are two main parts of this bundle- the kit and the QP's. You can buy the kit in pieces or all together. And, you can buy the QP's alone or with the kit in a big bundle.
All parts of the kit are 25% off this week!!
Here are all the pieces (all images linked)

(in my store I have a little more close ups of the QP's)

Here is the whole bundle- kit and QP's (image linked):

And, here is the kit bundled up. If you buy the kit together, you save money:)

I will have a small sampling of the kit for free today and tomorrow. But each piece will be available only 24 hours.
Click here to get today's freebie.Download has expired. Please refer to above links to get the kit in my store.And, I want to give either the whole kit or the QP's away for free. Here's how to
win. Blog about the kit (you can right click on the image and save as--then you can upload it to your blog) don't forget to link it to my store:) OR you can make a post about it on
facebook. Then, leave a comment here and I'll pick someone to get either the kit or the QP's (your choice) free!!
Contest goes until mid Tuesday. I'll choose the winner and announce at 12:00 Noon Tuesday (tomorrow!). So come back to see if you won.