Thanks everyone for guessing about my siblings. I am blogging on Sunday night. I'll post the winner tomorrow morning around 10 or 11 MST.
Now to these awesome new kits! Christi and I, aka Designing Divas have 2 beautiful, adorable new kits out this week! Both of them have a full kit and an add on.
With both of the kits, when you buy the full kit, you get the add on for free with our coupon code. BUT, they will only be free this week!Here is the baby girl kit. I want to give a little history on the layouts of mine you will see in a couple of days. I do an individual scrapbook for my children from birth to the age of 2. At that point, everything is combined into a family scrapbook. When my children get older and want their own copy, I'll just get another book bound for them for each year.
I have 2 girls and 2 boys. My oldest is a girl, followed by 2 boys. Each of them are 2 years apart. Then, we waited 5 years, fully expecting to have a few more. But I got pregnant and had a few moderate complications, and had a baby girl. When she came out, the "hole" I had in my heart- the one that told me there were more children coming, it was filled. So, we have one spoiled, beautiful little girl at the end.
Baby books for the older 3 have long since been completed. But for Caroline, I was into digital, so I did 4 layouts with her birth. I am about done with her baby book. I have to dig around and find a few things to scan in and scrap, like footprints and stuff. But this kit could easily make an entire baby book!!
Here's a look at the girl kit.
Click here or the image to go grab them.
Kit is on sale for just $2.50 this week.

Here is the add on. The code to get this for free is: SAHM_SBG_AO

This is the add on. The code to get this free when you purchase the above kit is: SAHM_SBB_AO

And now some great pages from our CT. I will be showing you layouts throughout the week here and there. Our CT did a fantastic job with these!




Tomorrow we will have a few freebies. So come back and get the freebies, along with some more inspiration from these kits!